Article 25-Partial bid25.1. all the work That is not open to partial tender offer will be given. Article 26-Alternative bids26.1. It will not be given an alternative tender offer. Article 27-Offer valid currency and payments27.1. bidders are bidding the prices and their total amounts, indicating as the Turkish Lira will indicate. This agreement will be used to pay part of the currencyArticle 28-the validity of bids 28.1. the tenders from the date of the tender validity period of 90 (Ninety) calendar days. 28.2. If needed, offer the validity period and the temporary deposit up to a maximum of the above extension can be requested from the bidder until the designated time. Willingness to accept or decline this request to the Administration. Request for extension of the validity period of public works bid bidder who refused temporary deposit is refunded.28.3. Proposal extends the validity period, unchanged from the bid and contract conditions willing, temporary assurances on the validity period of the new offer and accepts temporary redemption provisions making it suitable. 28.4. the request and answers will be written.Article 29-the offer is included in expenses29.1. the implementation of the Convention in accordance with the legislation in effect at the time of the tax payable (excluding VAT), fees, duties, transport costs, notary fees, inspection and acceptance will be made or will be made when the delegation test expenses and related legislation will belong to the contractor all expenses included. 29.2. (29.1) is an increase in the expense items in article or similar in formation of new expense items, the price offered by the bidders that meet such increase or differences share is assumed to contain. Contractor, this increase and differences, arguing that you cannot have any claim.29.3. the payment of the cost of the work, however, will be born under that contract, value added tax (VAT) is paid to the contractor by the administration within the framework of the relevant legislation also.Article 30-temporary deposit30.1.3% the price they offer Bidders for not less that he would give the temporary deposit of an amount determined by them. 3% less than the quoted price of bidder's proposal giving temporary collateral evaluation is installed. 30.2. in case of joint venture, total temporary Kostic scales deposit amount, one or more of the partners, regardless of the rate of the partnership by affordability.30.3. Temporary letters of guarantee quoted but not amount to less than 3% down available from different banks.30.4. Temporary offered as collateral deposit effective date must be specified in the letter. This date is.../.../.... prior to the date determined by the willing including but not.30.5. with an acceptable temporary collateral granted does not provide the desired conditions of joining the proposals on the grounds that it will be judged by the administration.Article 31-will be accepted as collateral values31.1. as collateral will be accepted values are considered below: a) identification of Turkish money.b letters of guarantee issued by Banks). c) Treasury Undersecretariat exported Government domestic borrowing Securities and securities held rather than documents. for item (c) in the specified bonds and nominal value of the securities held, rather than having been included in the document are exported, start-up cash interest corresponding to the sales value of the collateral is considered.31.3. According to the legislation in operation in Turkey allowed foreign banks operating outside Turkey with letters of guarantee issued by the Bank or other credit organizations issued by banks operating in Turkey on the kontrgarantisi deposit are accepted as guarantee letters. 31.4. letter of guarantee in the event, the scope and shape of this letter, public procurement authority is determined by the principles and must conform to the standard form. This is against the principles and standard form letters of guarantee are not considered valid edited as.31.5. Guarantees, can be replaced with other values accepted as collateral. 31.6. whatsoever, dishes washer guarantees received haczedilemez and cannot be put on the injunctive relief.Article 32-Interim is the delivery location32.1. the collateral is offered together with the quote, letters of administration within the envelope.32.2. the collateral collateral other than the MINISTRY of EDUCATION of the Central Directorate of accounting and the letters be deposited and receipts must be presented within the envelope of the proposal.Article 33-temporary deposit refund33.1. Tender no longer on the auction after bidders that resulted in letters of guarantee of the refund. 33.2. the temporary guarantees of the willing were dropped on the auction is required to sign the contract in the final margin, and whether it is returned.Article 34-the cancellation of All the rejection of bids and contracts 34.1. the tender Commission decision on the Administration, by rejecting all offers having been given is free to cancel the contract. All bids are rejected due to handle any obligation does not go under. 34.2. cancellation deadline is interested in willing supplicant into tender shall be notified of the reasons for aborting.Article 35-Tenders to be equal, and this is the most economically advantageous offer of bids 35.1. Tenders are equal, equal to the highest bidder, offering all of the contractual offer paid work experience is required. They are willing to do not offer work experience evaluations are left out.Similar in the evaluation of bids equal to the job to be considered are: all kinds of computers and/or peripherals the manufacture and/or sale and/or marketing and/or installation jobs.35.2. documents indicating the work experience evaluation 4734 public procurement law and related legislation is taken. The highest paid job experience offering the most advantageous economically willing first and second high consistent experience certificate owner willing to offer the most advantageous economically is determined as the second. Article 36-the determination of the most advantageous offer from the economic point of view, extremely low bids and award contract judgement36.1. the economically most advantageous bid this auction, is the lowest of the price offered. As a result of the tender evaluation made economically most advantageous first bidder is left over of the willing. Also the second lowest bidder will be presented as the second most economically advantageous bid. 36.2. the tender Commission given after evaluating bids, other cost-offer price quotes or approximate extreme detects low ones. These proposals offer within the time specified before the refusal of the owners, it is important that the proposal identified in writing whether details about the components. The tender Commission, taking into account the comments made, extremely low evaluates bids. This evaluation is based on the criteria established by the public procurement authority. Descriptions that do not appear sufficient or written statement that are not of the willing bids is rejected.36.3. the tender Commission, will make the most advantageous economically as a result of the evaluation of the first and second sets and taking a decision on the reasoned proposal of the tender offers for the approval of the authorities. The resolution said the names of willing or trade names, the date, and the quoted price, tender which was built upon what grounds willing, tender submitted is the cause are specified.Article 37 ratification or cancellation of the decision-tenders37.1. the tender decision when participating in the tender the tender authority before adopting the current bidder all willing to participate in the tender of the Foundation having been confirmed whether it is banned to the corresponding document is added to the tender decision.37.2. as a result, the process of confirming The yasaklılık the most advantageous bid is banned from participating in the tenders of the owner instead of owner of the second most advantageous offer, as the owner of the most advantageous bid is determined. In the second set as the owner of the most advantageous bid bidder also is banned from participating in the tenders tenders will be cancelled. 37.3. the Tender authority, decision in five business days at the latest following the tender decision on approvals or justifications shall explicitly specify the cancels.37.4. Tender; When the decision is valid if the tender authority approval, revocation is deemed null and void.Article 38-the Final notification of the tender decision 38.1. Final decision on the tender, tender authority approved by the following day at the latest within three business days, bid in the tender, including the dropped on the auction bidders will be reported to all bidders.38.2. the decision of the tender the tender authority by canceled by notification, provided that the reasons for willing to.38.3. the result of the Tender from the notification to all bidders on the contract will not be re-signed until late on the day.Article 39-Complaint39.1. tender documents relating to complaints of tender documents can be done within ten days from the date of purchase. References in this direction by the administrations is essential to concluding before the deadline. The preparation of bids in investigation upon complaint or may affect the realization of work material or technical errors or deficiencies, and administration of the tender document revisions made necessary corrective action in the event, the last reference, or tender date addendum modifiable postponed.