On 20your 20%%%20Gift Yone each 20%%2030%20SMS, 20%%20remaining balance is 20%%20Heryone 2030%.%20On one 20your%%20Gift 20100%%20MB%20Internet, 20%, 20% remaining balance is 20%%20Internet 20100%.%20MB On 20your 20%%%20Card Ready 20Tanisma%%20Kit 201%%20GB%20Gift, 20%%20remaining balance is 20%%20Internet 20807,2%.%20MB 20% on your new 20%%204%20GB, 20%%20remaining balance is 20%%20Internet%204096MB.You 20%%20may use the 20%%20remaining 20balance%%20until%2013.11.2016.After 20you 20%%%20finish your%20package,You 20%%20will be 20%%20charged 20%%20on your%20current%20tariff.